About Us

The Woman with the Words

Jessica Casey, Co-Owner and Lover of Baby Worms

Sevans Wormery Co-Owner

    When her boyfriend first told her he wanted to start a worm farm, she was a bit skeptical. Would they be smelly? Would they take up a lot of space? Do they require a lot of work? She was no stranger to his sustainability efforts. He had been interested in renewable energy since high school, so it was no surprise to her that he wanted to try and do more for the environment. He was his own person, so he was going to start one whether she liked it or not.
    They took some getting used to, but since she had recently started getting into gardening, she could begin to see the beauty in these creatures. At first the wiggling in the hands was a completely unique sensation that didn’t immediately grow on her, and the sifting was time consuming work. However, she could see how invested Sam was becoming in the worms. One farm turned into three, which turned into five, and they began to eat more and more food waste. They could both see how much of an impact these little worms could actually make in the world.
    Sam mentioned wanting to start a business with the worms one day, and at first she wanted no part in it. It was one thing to have worms as a hobby, but it was completely different to try and make it your livelihood. She would of course support him and his idea, but the thought of trying to start a business was terrifying and completely out of their comfort zones. She went to school for creative writing and media studies, not business management. 
    However, once it came time to launch the business, she couldn’t resist helping any way she could. She began by writing the social media posts, and from there decided that she wanted to be apart of Sevans Wormery 100 percent. So with tenacity and a support from friends and family, the couple began a new adventure into trying to change the world, one worm at a time!

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